Country - USA;
Director - Charlie Kaufman;
7,2 of 10;
Rating - 40039 Vote;
creator - Iain Reid
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Ok. I cared about the characters but I was bored senseless. Your segment was beautifully constructed and your commentary exemplary. I know you put tons of work into it. So bravo for that. But next time use your time more wisely, like a dissertation on “Texas Chainsaw Massacre”. So, I love you but hated the movie and would relegate it to the trashbin of self-conscious, self- indulgent and self-important claptrap.
This is just my reading. Let me know what you all think
Man you forgot one of Plemon's best roles on USS Callister. Hello, I dont speak English, but I sincerly hope everyone find the love and happiness in the life. Ever is possible. The insidious and conjuring movies are the masters of creepy things in the background.
That dinner scene was soo intense. better than horror movies
What's the name of a background song
I totally didn't get what it was I was watching and It all went straight over my head! So many things were happening and it didn't make any sense to me at all. I kept wondering what it was I was watching? So much of the movie is just them driving in the car in a snowstorm talking about random stuff. After one watch, and that watch was only a few minutes ago, so everything I say about this scene could change, I feel as if this is the reality Jake wishes he had with the Young Woman, one based on the things Jake watched, read, listened to, etc. The Janitor, being what I feel is the older version of Jake (I think thats one of the clearest parts of the movie, but its a Charlie Kaufman movie, so you can look at it anyway you want) is someone whos been through life, and now knows the reality of it, as hes closer to his death. His ideas of what romance is are best seen during that really stupid rom-com (good thing its not a real Robert Zemeckis film) which portrays romance in one of the dumbest possible ways. Of course, at that point in his life, he would know that this isnt true romance. I feel like I could keep going down some rabbit hole of thought on this one scene alone, and Im kind of tired, so Ill just leave it at that I guess. Pretty excited to watch it again at some point.
I've never had to rewind so much in a video before. The train scene in the movie The Eye captured what seems to be a real ghost. You did it Charlie, you got me to sob my eyes out at a song from Oklahoma.
When my friend and I watched Hereditary we accidentally paused it right at the shot in 9:20, where Annie is seen on the ceiling. We didnt notice and went to get snacks and when we came back and went to unpause it we saw her and I swear I nearly choked on my drink. Both of us were legitimately scared to unpause. I only knew jesse from Black mirror and Game night. I'm thinking of reading the book now because I didn't understand everything as I wanted to. Mentioning Jessie Buckley's appearance in Chernobyl but not Jesse Plemons, wtf netflix. I'm ending The Ending Of I'm Thinking Of Ending Things 10 seconds early, becuz I did not get the end of The Ending Of I'm Thinking Of Ending Things.
0:32 - 0:35 The branch of leaves above the Tin man's head moves by itself as he passes under it! That's Creepy. Im glad we all agree. I just watched it yesterday and it felt like an acid trip the whole way through.